‘Hear us, O Lord, have mercy upon us: for we have sinn’d against thee.’ This moving piece derives from a hymn composed in the 10th century by Mozarabs, Iberian Christians living under Islamic rule in Andalusia.
Patronal Festival at St Bride’s, Hyndland
St Brigit of Kildare, died 1500 years ago and this milestone has inspired an extended Patronal Festival at St Bride’s. Special choral services on Sunday 9 February will be preceded by a series of events on the previous day. Saturday 8th February 2025 12 noon – Ecumenical Service with participation from local churches Music from…
Last call for views on ‘assisted dying’
There are three weeks remaining during which submissions can be made to the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee ‘Call for Views’ on the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill. The purpose of the call for evidence is to gather views on the Bill which will inform the Committee’s scrutiny. The…
The Copts: Early Christian Egypt
The Talk to be held in the church on 4 April at 2 pm will be given by Dr Bill Manley, an archaeologist, Egyptologist, author and lecturer. His subject will be The Copts: Early Christian Egypt 300 – 800 AD. Dr Manley, honorary president of Egyptology Scotland, is best known for devising popular forms of…
Catriona Montgomery McLaughlin, RIP
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death earlier this month of Catriona Montgomery McLaughlin (Catrìona NicGumaraid NicLachlainn), the distinguished poet and much-loved member of All Saints. Catriona’s funeral will be held in All Saints at 2 pm on Monday 29 January, with interment later on the Isle of Skye. May she…
Hugh Waterfield: an appreciation
It was with great sadness that we marked the death in September of Hugh Waterfield, in his 90th year. Despite his age, Hugh was one of our most active members and will be sorely missed. Hugh was responsible for several innovations in and around the church, including the planting of a herb garden – not…
Jenny Morgan: an appreciation
Jenny Morgan, one of All Saints’ long-standing members, passed away in September. Jenny had been in care for some time, but prior to succumbing to old age and frailty was to be found every Sunday in her pew in the centre of the church, smiling and cheerful. A retired librarian, she was full of knowledge…
Hugh Waterfield and Jenny Morgan, RIP
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the deaths of two long-standing and much-loved members of All Saints, Hugh Waterfield and Jenny Morgan. Hugh’s funeral took place in All Saints on Wednesday 6 September, and Jenny’s on Tuesday 12 September. Appreciations of both will appear in due course. May they rest in…
Tea & Talk: Michael Kerins
Our Tea and Talk meetings restart at 2 pm this Thursday, September 7, with Michael Kerins speaking on ‘The Storyteller as Healer’.
Easter blooms
Thank you to everyone who decorated All Saints with wonderful displays of flowers for Easter.
Muriel Draper, RIP
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death of Muriel Draper, a great friend of All Saints and the devoted and much loved wife for 66 years of the Rev Dr Ivan Draper.
Queen Elizabeth: In Memoriam
Rev Sydney Maitland: “And now she has gone home. In the communion of saints she is only an eye blink away, and she is among those with whom we worship God, together with angels and archangels and the whole company of heaven.”
Prayers to mark the death of The Queen and accession of The King
The Liturgy Committee of the Scottish Episcopal Church has produced three prayers, approved by the College of Bishops, to mark the death of the monarch, the repose of the deceased monarch, and the accession of the new monarch. They are as follows …
Tributes to Queen Elizabeth
The Archbishop of Canterbury + Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church + Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway + Moderator of the General Assembly + Roman Catholic Bishops
‘Our Faithful Queen: 70 years of faith and service’
Enjoy it in full online: Published earlier in 2022 to mark Queen Elizabeth’s platinum jubilee, this book includes many rarely seen photographs from her early life through to the present day, as well as prayers from a book of devotions given to the Queen to use in the days leading up to her coronation. It provides a powerful witness to the Queen’s enduring Christian faith.
Tea & Talk: Learning about caring
The guest speaker at September’s Tea and Talk will be Louise Morgan, Director for Scotland of the charity Carers Trust, which works to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems. Louise’s talk takes place in All Saints at 2 pm on Thursday 1 September, with a presentation followed by questions and answers. Everyone is welcome.
Leslie Macleod’s farewell
On Saturday 29th May 2022 a special Choral Evensong marked the retiral of Leslie Macleod as organist of All Saints.
Evensong postponed
The service of sung Evensong scheduled for March 6 will be held instead at 6.30 pm on Sunday, March 13.
Bishop John Taylor, RIP
The Right Reverend John Taylor, former rector of Holy Cross, Knightswood, and Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway from 1991-96, has died at the age of 89. His funeral took place on November 26 at St Mary’s Episcopal Church, Kirriemuir. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Armistice Day at the National Memorial Arboretum
This year the National Memorial Arboretum broadcast its annual Armistice Day Service of Remembrance live from the Armed Forces Memorial. The service commemorated the signing of the Armistice which brought an end to the First World War and remembered all those who gave their lives in service to their country since 1914.
Isa Lang, RIP
The funeral of Isa Lang, who died peacefully at Quayside Care Home earlier this month, will be at 3.30 pm on Wednesday 3 November at Clydebank crematorium. Isa was born in Finnieston and moved to Knightswood at the age of three. She was a lifelong member of Holy Cross, Knightswood, where she was also a…
Scottish Christians fear criminalisation of trans criticism
An unprecedented alliance of evangelical, Catholic and Free Church leaders has issued a joint appeal to the Scottish Government to ditch changes to the law that could potentially criminalise any criticism of transgender ideology. The Christian leaders want the Scottish Government to drop Part 2 of the proposed Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland), which…
Jessie Bradshaw, RIP
All Saints’ oldest communicant, Mrs Jessie Bradshaw, has died aged 101. She passed away at her home in Clydebank on Monday February 1, with her devoted daughter, Janet, who cared tirelessly for her, and her son Ian by her side. Jessie was a shining lifelong Christian, loving and serving at St Columba’s in Clydebank, Holy…
Christmas Giving 2020
This year’s Giving will be your choice of either the Storehouse Foodbank or the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (to help Keep the Gospel in the Public Square).
A Nativity Quiz for Christmas
We grew up very familiar with the Christmas story, writes JB. The journey to Bethlehem as demanded by the census, the lack of accommodation when they got there and the subsequent birth of Jesus in a stable, and being laid in a manger because there was ‘no crib for a bed’. The star, angels announcing…
Kenneth McCreadie, RIP
It is with deep regret that we announce that Kenneth McCreadie died peacefully on Tuesday morning, surrounded by his family and having received the final rites of the church.
Remembering Phoebe Anna Traquair
One hundred years ago, Phoebe Anna Traquair became the first woman member of the Scottish Royal Academy, reflecting her status as a leading professional designer, particularly in the Arts and Crafts movement in Scotland. Many thanks to the Diocese for this reminder that she created the reredos painting at All Saints:
Alan Deed, RIP
A veteran member of All Saints’ congregation, Alan Deed, has died at the age of 92. Rev Sydney Maitland said: “Alan was a long standing member of All Saints and brought a special love of the scriptures to his reading of them in church. “He had a strong sense of humour and a rich fund…
Rev Alec Griffiths, RIP
Rev Alec Griffiths, who served as Rector of Holy Cross, Knightswood, from 1972-79, has died following a period of ill-health. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Mary Marshall, RIP
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death of Mary Marshall, a life-long member of All Saints who served on the church’s Vestry and as People’s Warden for more than thirty years.
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