The Scottish Episcopal Church has a new website, featuring for its launch videos from each of the Church’s Bishops addressing aspects of church and Christian life.
The Rt Rev Gregor Duncan, Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway, focuses on prayer, representing the core of the Church’s rich and deep spiritual tradition.
- Firstly, prayer in the Eucharist, in which Jesus Christ comes among us to be with us to sustain us in our journey of faith in God’s world.
- Secondly, daily morning and evening prayer in which we pray the holy scriptures; in that way, too, we are in touch with God’s love.
Flowing from these fundamental ways of prayer there is a huge variety of ways of praying which the Christian tradition has developed over many centuries, so that when people come to join us they will find many opportunities to explore a way of prayer that will be right for them, that will support them on their own journey.
- Morning and evening prayers updated daily can be found here.
- Liturgies which include the Eucharist, together with many other helpful documents, can be read online or downloaded here.
Bishop Gregor’s video: