Bishop Gregor Duncan writes: “I have decided that this year’s Lent Appeal will be for MND Scotland in memory of our late Diocesan Secretary, Chris Zochowski who died from motor neurone disease earlier this year.
“In 1981, MND Scotland was founded by John Macleod, a 32 year old Strathclyde police officer, who had MND. Together with his wife, Peigi, their family and friends, they started the charity to help those with MND in Scotland.
“At the time John was diagnosed, services were limited and health professionals had little or no knowledge of the condition. John’s aim was to help change this and the Scottish Motor Neurone Disease Association was born.”
Bishop Gregor said when he announced Chris Zochowski’s death on January 8: “He died peacefully and Kate, his wife, was with him. I myself was honoured to offer him the Prayer of the Church for the Dying a few days before he died.
“Please pray for Chris, for Kate, for their sons Nathan and David and for the Rector and people of St Ninian’s, Pollokshields where Chris served faithfully as Lay Rep, Chorister and Crucifer.
“May Chris rest in peace and rise in glory.”
• Find out more at the MND Scotland website.